General trend of wireless telecom
Some of the more attractive features of mobile telecom would include its mobility, personalization of service, vigorous development and tremendous market potential. The new general wireless telecom also contains such features as broadband and the provision for multimedia services, with a strong emphasis on market-oriented development, which in turn will help to spur new technologies and services. In light of all of these added benefits it’s only natural to assume that a new operation mode may emerge as well.
The trend in wireless telecom includes mutual supplementation between wireless technologies, diversified accesses, integrated network and integrated application, on the one hand; and broadband, IP, and multimedia-based wireless development, on the other.
- Mutual supplementation of Multi-layer wireless technology
Technologies in the wireless telecom industry feature mutual supplements, largely because different access technologies provide different coverage, application, technology features, and access rates. It is also expected that wireless telecom will feature an integrated solution in the future. Various wireless telecom technologies will play a vital part in integrated networks. From the perspective of the public mobile telecom, it is forecast that 3G, or B3G, will assume a dominant role in the coming months and years. It is also expected that global seamless coverage will appear in the near future. In addition, broadband access technologies such as WLAN, WiMAX, UWB, MBWA, will be available with a variety of coverage or application areas, based upon of their features, and act as a supplement to the public mobile telecom network.
- Integrated core network and diversified access layers
At the media layer, traditional circuit exchanging will be replaced by IP-based packet switching. In regards to the access layer, the primary goal of the network will be to evolve to a stage where personalization and human technology will emerge. For the access network, multiple technologies such as DSL, Ethernet, and broadband wireless technology, will co-exist for an extended period of time, and broadband-based development will become the predominant form of development.
The next generation network will adopt an open architecture and standard interface in order to provide various integrated services, meeting different QoSs. It will also be able to support mobility management, and ensure security of any and all communications.
- Integrated telecom service applications
Telecom service application will become more "people-oriented"in the near future. Service applications will also become more abundant and personalized, and have a much higher quality level. Additionally, the value chain of telecom service will be much longer, segmented, and open. As a result, a new and open pristine ecological environment will be formed. Service application development and provisioning will reach a sustainable level where they will be able to meet this change, and an open API interface mode will replace the provision mode and traditional closed service development.
Wireless telecom terminals of the near future will be integrated, intelligent, and multimedia-based. The function and performance of wireless terminals will also be more powerful in the future. In short, the wireless telecom terminal will become a personal data communication center that smoothly integrates data processing, multimedia video, and wireless communication services.
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